Historia krajów anglojęzycznych

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History of the United States - Introduction

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 322
Wyświetleń: 875

HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Introduction - The first Europeans Reach North America were Icelandic Vikings led by Lief Ericson about the year 1000. Traces of their visit have been found in the Can...

Prohibition, Henry Ford and Wall Street Crash

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 210
Wyświetleń: 623

Prohibition, Henry Ford and Wall Street Crash - The 1920s were an extraordinary and confusing time, when hedonism coexisted with puritanical conservatism. It was the age of Prohibition: in...

Slavery, Civil War in the USA

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 245
Wyświetleń: 875

SLAVERY AND THE CIVIL WAR - In the first quarter of the 19th century the frontier of settlement moved west to the Mississippi River and beyond. In 1828 Andrew Jackson became(S) the first “out...

The American Revolutionary War

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 231
Wyświetleń: 721

The beginnings of American Revolutionary War: - All the taxes, except one on tea, were removed, but in 1773 a group of patriots responded by staging the Boston TEA Party. Disguised as Indians, they boarded British merchant ships and dumped 342 cr...

The cold war in the USA

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 182
Wyświetleń: 945

The cold war in the USA The cold war - political struggle between the US and the Soviet Union after II World War - A new international congress, the United Nations, came into being after the war (1945), and this time the United States joined. It...

The colonial era in the United States of America

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 189
Wyświetleń: 560

The colonial era (the United States) - The first successful English colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. A few years later. English Puritans came to America to escape religious persecution for their opposition to the Church of England. In 1620, the Puritans founded Plymouth Colony in ...

The Great Depression in the USA

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 203
Wyświetleń: 581

The Great Depression in the USA - By 1932 thousands of American banks and over 100.000 businesses had failed. Industrial production was cut in half, wages had decreased 60 percent, and one out of every four workers was unemployed. That year Fra...

The late 19th century in the USA

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 196
Wyświetleń: 679

History of the United States-The late 19th century - Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, depriving America of leader uniquely qualified by background and temperament to heal the wounds left by the Civil War. - His successor, Andrew Johnson,...

War and peace in the USA

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 189
Wyświetleń: 553

WAR AND PEACE IN THE USA - When World War I erupted in Europe in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson urged a policy of strict American neutrality. Germany's declaration of unrestricted submarine warfare against all ships bound for Allied ports u...

World War II in the USA

  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
  • Historia krajów anglojęzycznych
Pobrań: 147
Wyświetleń: 616

World War II in the USA Neutrality was the initial American response to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939. But the bombing of Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii by the Japanese in December 1941 brought the United States into the war, first against Japan and then against its allies, Germany and I...