Zwroty przydatne do pisania eseju

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Zwroty przydatne do pisania eseju - strona 1 Zwroty przydatne do pisania eseju - strona 2

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Zwroty: (Essay)
There is a dispute/discussion/no agreement on - ... jest kwestią sporną. (Toczy się dykusja na temat) Firstly- po pierwsze To begin with- na poczatek, po pierwsze Secondly- po drugie Finally- w koncu, nareszcie In addition- w dodatku Besides- poza tym Moreover- co wiecej What is more- co wiecej Furthermore- ca wiecej However- jednak Despite this- pomimo tego In spite of this- pomimo tego In fact- w rzeczywistości, wprawdzie As a matter of fact- wprawdzie As a result- na skutek Consequently- jako skutek On major advantage is that- jedna glowna zaleta There are a number of advantagees and disadventages- jest wiele dobrych i zlych stron, wad i zalet... All in all- w sumie To sum up- podsumowujac In conclusion- w podsumowaniu, w sumie In summary- w skrocie, podsumowujac In general- ogolnie, w ogole It seems important to add/point out/remind that- wydaje sie wazne by dodac, uswiadomic, przypomniec, wspomniec The issue is far from solving but...- problem jest daleki rozwiązania Using a computer has a lot of advantages, such as being able to save and revise your work.
Another advantage is that you can surf the Internet for information.
One advantage of using the Internet is that you can contact the people all over the world.
On the other hand, it can sometimes be dangerous to talk to somebody you don't know.
There are some disadvantages of using the Internet. For example, people spend too much time in front of a computer neglecting their social life.
I think the benefits of the Internet outweigh the disadvantages. I mean, you can get lots of information without going out and paying extra money. ... zobacz całą notatkę

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